Pull Along Chickens-Little Dutch Australia-Shop At The Hive Ashburton-Lifestyle Store & Online Gifts

Pull Along Chickens

Little Dutch Australia
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These chickens like to go on an adventure with you through the house. Pull the string and go on an adventure together! These pull-along toys are made of durable wood. It encourages your child to walk and helps with motor development.

The string of the pull-along animal has a functional length of about 50 centimeters.


  1. Pull-along toys: These toys are designed for children to pull along with a string, encouraging them to walk and aiding in motor development.

  2. Durable wood construction: The pull-along toys are made of durable wood, ensuring longevity and sturdiness.

  3. Functional length of string: The string attached to the pull-along animal has a functional length of about 50 centimeters, providing enough length for children to pull the toy comfortably.


  • Minimum Age: 18 Months +
  • Product Weight: 0.47 kg
  • Product size: 150 x 450 x 60 mm


Little Dutch Australia / The Hive Ashburton